APCOA’s staff at Market Street and Mercy Secondary School car parks in Galway [West of Ireland] extended an extra warm welcome to event co-ordinators, guide dog trainers, and their canine companions on 27 March [2015]; so much so, they parked for free ahead of the Irish charity’s associated weekend fundraiser on 28-29 March.
APCOA, which has an established pedigree in parking and facilities management across Ireland, assisted the charity by granting two long wheelbase vans; two mini-buses; two vans, and a Volkswagen car a free run of the school car park off Newtownsmith, Galway. And for the national charity, APCOA’s unrivalled parking concession proved to be just the ticket.
The Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind’s ‘Assistance Dog Programme’ was chosen as the beneficiary charity for the Maynooth Students for Charity Annual Cycle 2015, which runs from Maynooth and Galway.
Through their cost-savings and fundraising efforts, Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind was hoping to raise over €100,000 to help kick-start their 2015 charity appeal into the second quarter; and the free parking certainly helped with the bottom line.
A spokesperson from APCOA PARKING Ireland, said: “We are of course delighted that we could help members of the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind charity.”
“While parking may not necessarily be central to the charity’s fundraising aims and objectives, we realise that, when you have large canine charity vehicles, there is not always the room to accommodate them on-street.
“Therefore, when we heard about the charity’s attendance at the students’ annual cycle event in Maynooth, we were only too pleased to assist them, with the knowledge that their vehicles were both safe and secure, and within easy access of the race event.”