Car park (surface) Westwood Student Accommodation - Galway


Newcastle Road
, H91R 7XN Galway

Opening Hours

10:00 - 24:00
Tue - Sun
Open all day

Quick information

Total Spaces


Disabled space
If you are disabled, you can use special spaces
Motor bike space
You can park your motorbike car on special spaces in the car park
Secure Parking
This can be with or without camera surveillance, can be a locked gate that you need to present your ticket to get in, can be a closed area frequently patrolled, can be well lit.


You can pay by an app
You can pay with cash on the machine onsite
Payment on a website (e.g. ANPR)

Parking Tariff

Monday - Sunday

€1.2 per hour

€6.6 per day

€46.2 per week 



Disabled space
If you are disabled, you can use special spaces
Motor bike space
You can park your motorbike car on special spaces in the car park
Secure Parking
This can be with or without camera surveillance, can be a locked gate that you need to present your ticket to get in, can be a closed area frequently patrolled, can be well lit.


You can pay by an app
You can pay with cash on the machine onsite
Payment on a website (e.g. ANPR)

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